

Skern Lodge are taking part in #NoMowMay to raise awareness of biodiversity and natural preservation.

Skern Lodge loves nature. We have always been conscientious of our biodiversity and sustainability efforts here at the beautiful coast ofNorth Devon. We were the first Biosphere Business Partner in North Devon, and signed the Nature Recovery Declaration plan in July 2021 to support land preservation and ecological recovery in the North Devon region. With better weather and warmer days ahead of us, we’re aware of how tall and fast the grass will grow, how many native flowers will blossom, and how many bees, butterflies, and other pollinators will visit us! That’s why this month, Skern Lodge has signed up to #NoMowMay.

Encouraging people to let their lawns grow wild, charity organisation Plantlife have set up this movement to support biodiversity by allowing native flowers and grasses to grow, providing habitat and food sources for bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Plantlife is a global voice for wild plants and fungi, advocating the protection and flourishment of natural landscapes. By refraining from mowing, people can help to increase the diversity of plant and animal species in their local ecosystems.

Why is #NoMowMay so important?

#NoMowMay is also intended to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity and promote actions that can be taken to support it. Pollinators are essential for maintaining healthy ecosystems, as they help to fertilize plants, ensuring that they produce fruits and seeds. Plantife campaign research reveals that you can provide up to ten times more the amount of nectar sugar for pollinators. By supporting pollinators, we increase diversity in plant and animal species in North Devon’s ecosystem.

Another benefit of #NoMowMay is the reduction of pollution in local environments. Refraning from mowing lawns could help reduce the carbon footprint of British gardens and natural landscapes. Less lawnmower petrol means a huge window of opportunity for cleaner air, blossoming flowers, and eco life support. It also frees up our site team to put valuable time into other projects such as improving access to our swimming pool and installation of a new washblock for campers this summer.

Letting your lawn grow wild can help reduce water usage too. When you mow your lawn, you remove the layer which helps retain moisture in the soil. More hydration means less amounts of water to keep it healthy!

#NoMowMay is also quite the rewarding and fulfilling experience. When you let lands grow wild and grass grow tall, a variety of beautiful flowers and vegetation can sprout which you may not have otherwise noticed! It’s the perfect opportunity to learn more about native plants and animals in the area, which hugely benefits our greater appreciation for the local ecosystem of North Devon.

That’s why we at Skern Lodge are taking part - why not give it a try this May? Your lawn (and the planet) will thank you for it!

Plantlife's #NoMowMay: Click here
North Devon's Nature Recovery Declaration plan: Click here
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